4 In-Demand Leadership Skills for 2024

4 In-Demand Leadership Skills for 2024

Posted on December 8th, 2023

By Cubie Davis King, Ph.D.

Skill. The ability to do something well.

One urgent challenge facing organizations in industries and business sectors nationwide (as told by senior leaders) is the need for leadership skills that engage and empower teams to next-level greatness. In fact, this problem is now a worldwide concern. Oddly enough, researchers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) predicted this leadership and skills gap as early as 2010. Experts warned organizations to prepare for the gaps many are experiencing today.

Because of these skills gaps, many organizations now pay a premium to bring in the talent needed for day-to-day operations. Look around, and you see this is true in nearly every industry across the board. Whether in education, law enforcement, legal, hospitality, information and technology, fast food, or even government entities. Recruiting and retaining workers with astute leadership skills is at a premium.

Here are four leadership skills experts say are in high demand in 2024.

  1. The skill to connect and build meaningful relationships with team members. Great leaders understand that in order to bring out the best performance in team members, they have to win people over to their ways of thinking without giving offense. One sure way to accomplish this is to build meaningful relationships with people. In his book In Search of Excellence: Lesson from America’s Best-Run Companies, Tom Peters posits a concept called management by wandering around. He encouraged leaders to come out of their offices, wander around, and truly get to know their people on a personal level. Statistics have proven time and again that when leaders cultivate this level of engagement performance levels soar. Management consultant John la Carre said, “A desk is a dangerous place from which to watch the world.”
  2. The skill of making everyone on the team feel special. This is the first cousin to building meaningful relationships with people. Great leaders know how to make people feel seen and heard. To them you matter. You are not just a white space on an organizational chart. They are present when you talk to them, and because they have mastered this powerful skill, their people always go the extra mile for them.
  3. The skill of clarity and simplicity. Great leaders keep things simple. They know how to inspire a shared vision amongst team members and keep the main thing the main thing. They paint a picture of what success looks like and are skilled at detailing exactly how to get there. Teams can’t wait to work with this leader.

The ability to stand by a set of values and beliefs. Teams get confused when they have a leader who goes whichever way the wind blows. They believe something one day, and something else on another day. Today’s teams are looking for strong leaders who stand by their values and beliefs and who will go to bat for them when they are right. Such leaders are in great demand.

These four skills are in high demand nationwide. Mastering these skills and training young leaders to embrace their importance with move your team to the next level and far ahead of your competitors.

About the Author:

Dr. Cubie Davis King is an international talent and leadership development consultant and coach. His books are being used by employees at Costco, Goodwill Industries, Navy Housing, Super Glue, Holiday Inn, and many others.

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