Sell Your Knowledge Directly to The Public!

Sell Your Knowledge Directly to The Public!

Special Report #7: The estimate is that print books, eBooks, and audiobooks account for $500+ billion a year worldwide. 

But were you aware that there are other avenues that sosphisticated marketer sell their knowledge diretly to the public that is so secretive that most never talk about it? 

For example, they get subscribers in their niche to purchase a subscription to a yearly newsletter and make hundreds of thousands of dollars each year. 

In this workbook, Dr. King goes into details on each of these lucrative content marketing stratergies that make people millions each year. 

Yes, you can do the same if you are willing to work at it. In his transparent way, Dr. King shows the the exact steps to take to be successful in this niche. Just follw in his footsteps. 

In his inspiring way, he makes it easy for anyone to understand how it's done! 


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